I'm assisting a friend to find a new owner for SIBONEY. Make/Model: Bodden Brothers
Caymen Island Cruising Sloop, traditional construction Year: 1941 Length: 30’ Draft: 5-0 Beam: 8-4 Designer: William
Winslow. The boat was well-built, 10" centers (massive) and well maintained by a great sailor. Good boats and good people
have good karma... even though old, but by hard work, someone kept her up. I'll be looking at the boat in Santa Barbara...probably
spend the night on it...soon I'll shoot some more info, pictures and video. Call me if you want to see her 310 961-4456 or
email coverunner@gmail.com
Seeking a new lover for this lovely, classic 30’ sloop considered by many to
be “the prettiest boat in the harbour”.
Excellent for couple, easy to singlehand. Surfs like a
dream in heavy seas. Winning record at McNish Classic for years. Great karma.
Make/Model: Bodden Brothers
Caymen Island Cruising Sloop, traditional construction Year: 1941 Length: 30’ Draft: 5-0 Beam: 8-4 Designer: William
Winslow Last haul-out: Dec. 2009, new bottom paint, hull varnish & custom cutlass bearing Engine/Power: Universal
3 cyl. diesel engine, low hours & Hurth Transmission Hull Construction: Frames are hard mahogany, 10” centers,
molded. Planking is hondouran mahogany, finished bright. Fasteners are bronze planking, galvanized framework and tie rods.
Add’l timbers are hard mahogany or other appropriate material. Natural grown knees used for reinforcement. Keel is cutaway
forefoot, cast iron ballast, keelboats passing through generous sized floor timbers. Through-hull fittings are marine grade
bronze with seacocks.
Deck construction is mahogany planking on hard mahogany beams. Cabin construction has mahogany
cabinsides, canvassed cabintop, galvanized tie rods Through cabin sides to outboard stringer. Spars & Rigging: hollow
spruce box section, double spreader rig, painted. Main boom is spruce. Standing rigging is 1x19 stainless, nicopress (double)
swages with bronze turnbuckles.
Sails: Main, Genoa, Working Jib & Storm jib & splendid, colorful, crusing type
spinnaker Anchors: 35# CQR, 50’ 5/16” chain, 300’ 1/2” nylon at stearn. Spare anchor with
150’ chain aboard Simpson Lawrence manual windlass, roller fitted at bow. Steering: tiller Lots of misc equipment
included. General condition: good
Asking $18,000 for boat and $55,000 for slip or $70,000 together...please call charlene
Download pdf file: SIBONEY

NOEL DIOTTE 310 961-4456 (Skype) or 310 388-7436 - Redondo Beach, CA