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Thursday, November 18, 2004
On The Hook, a sort a bit.

I appreciated your submission recently for The London Morning Paper on wednesday. Some day I will try to get effort an every day.

I do hope to learn any person my learn of the serious problems that millions of people (20 million U.5.) that can effect with high blood pressure, stress, smoking and many other causes that will occur for many for a stroke.

The CoveRunner was just recently sailing, free from a fairly stressed,I sailed and surfing waves, rode my electric bicycle for ten or fifteen miles each day. I lost about twenty pounds of weight for a year I recently lost.

I did also for years of terrible junk food. I was not worst of the fast food. Years will cause a toll. I enjoyed a good steaks, pasta, cake, etc. I loved it all. I didn't have a beer, may be beer maybe two. No real excess.

Twenty two years of addiction for smoking was difficult. I alway enjoyed smoking. I never played games about quitting for cigarettes. I was easy doing the "cold turkey" while I was in at the hospital. I was able to get a chance right now to stop addiction.

I'm glad for my son, my relatives and friends are getting smoke free right away now.

I'll follow you some of the problems for the stroke for brain damage, communication therapy, and info about the interesting changes have made for me to deal with me and friends since this.

I am looking for this optimistic changes. Problems with Strokes can be months and years of other patients. It will certainly change your whole life. Hope is certainly for everyone. Problems can certainly be potential strokes before you now.

Every sentence for a few efforts takes a few hours. I use to get ideas quickly within a few minutes then. I'll show you how some of the efforts for old paths of memory, and some for new paths are renewed for fresh learning. Not some things are not intact.

We may be able to soon find later what may be for new problems, that's sort of waiting for the wobbling of the coin. Once the coin flats on the heads or the tails side. After that problem we'll see why may never be different. Life whole else may once again be a new person again.

Time will tell me later. Who knows?
Some days are good. Some days are terrible as work. As we shall see.

Noel Diotte
310 376-7057

Coverunner Radio - Ocean/Island Music


Sent wirelessly from the sailboat, "Shearwater" off the Southern California coast.

Noel Diotte
310 376-7057

Coverunner Radio - Ocean/Island Music


Sent wirelessly from the sailboat, "Shearwater" off the Southern California coast.

Posted by coverunner at 2:09 PM PST
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