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Monday, November 8, 2004
"Shearwater" waiting dear old girl. She's waiting for me to get back some day.
Now Playing: The whole of the boat waiting for me some day.
My old plastic shell of my boat, has no one to here
to see with every one else gone.I left my whole of my boat was my life I've known of these sixteen years. Echos of all left another to broken of the worken stays, brown old teak, rusted of stainless hardware, that could call of the whole rigging to bring the whole mast to full once again it will never disaster again. How can I ever again once again cleaned, fouled, hull, scum come all new getting my broken parts still need to more once to make it renewed. All stories I had are like wind in the stays of howling ghosts waiting. When are beliefs are gone. Like an old dereliction of old letters, love was there but no more, but not never again. Old scraps. Old sail tatters of our sail repaired. Cannot I ever to make all what is only to be saved while a small mud and sand bank, while we are just a few feet of water almost all is to once to be be made against. Will I start a who whole start once again. How can I once again to see all is so more about me high over the flood I am to able. I'm enable to do what I did who I once was a person the same person I was read from a long time. How with all i be the same person as a new person that I used to be. Hope again. Can "Shearwater" once again to bring grace me again.

Posted by coverunner at 1:09 PM PST
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