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Sunday, February 26, 2006

Topic: Songs, Evil & Writing
Noel: have been listening to your CD for several days. enjoying it. do you ever play it on your radio station? Tom*******************************************************************************************************Tom, Thanks for listening to my CD. I almost forgot about it. I do run a couple of my songs on Coverunner Radio. It's Not The End of the World, and Mercy Harbor. I still have work on 3 other songs. I think they are my best, but not yet recorded, Better Angels, about against the essence of evil, resisting it. Another, song Millennium, a quasi-fictional story about religious groups during the other century, 1900 where they were believing the "end of the world" was happening and about the Heaven's Gate group in San Diego who committed a mass suicide of 39 people hoping to "leave" by flying saucer to make a connection with the Hal Bopp comet. Both stories are about people that had great belief, but showed to be based on erroneous hope. I was writing those songs before the change of the century, 2000. I kept getting lots of stories from many newscasters and many people were getting scared about some big impending disaster. The big scare before 2000 was the unfounded "2k Threat" during the computer change of the clocks. Lots of fear was generated for people and many millions of dollars were spent to make sure it wouldn't mean doomsday. Click! At during the New Years Day the clock clicked on with no problems. A year later, the 9/11 attacks in 2001 were real. Many people believe that the attacks were planned just by outsiders as well perhaps by insiders. We will never know the truth about Pearl Harbor, JFK, Iraqi War and 9/11. I don't like conspiracy mongers. But, there are real facts in conspiracy. That's the problem. You never can know anything. Even after the government reports, everyone wonders about the facts that were not answered in the officials reports. There are thousands of books with detailed facts on all these topics. Usually, those acts will be in infamy as each bit of information leaks out. For Pearl Harbor, most scholarly historians understand that the attacks were created to get the People and the Congress to agree towards war. Prior, Pearl Harbor most American citizens were not willing to commit to World War II against to Hitler. For most scholarly types already understand the causes for 9/11 and the Iraqi War and the ensuing police powers. It seems that evil groups use us, the people in order that the powerful men can work in their own evil agenda. Simply, there are very powerful men in the government and in international powers who will take advantage from Citizens, and so that the during chaotic events where the powerful can become even wealthier. They are willing to kill thousands of people, so the powerful to be even wealthier. It's not just money, the love of money, Biblical, is filthy ocre (gold). It's about power. It's a trap for many individuals that play the "power game" from every corporate bosses, to politics, to international intrigue. It's like being sucked into the Mafia. Once you get "in" where you will never get "out". When the song, Better Angels was written by me. I didn't understand the song. I didn't understand the implications for that song, the essence of evil. For me, it was about my own personal resistance against spiritual evil. Now, I am even more aware of this world than before. Perhaps, I may add two other verses for Better Angels for updating that song and the preceding thoughts herein. Perhaps, I'll update my songs and record them before I die. I've been working on and off for almost ten years on that album. I've made a number of demos and different versions of Cd's, graphics and liners . Perhaps, I've never made a fixed release. I never found any assistance from a producer to do the project CD right and I never had the $2,500. money for a batch minimum to make 1,000 discs. At least my album won't be dated by keeping it perpetual. I still want to perform again, since I have a lot to say now. My "brain damage" (according by law, Aphasia), the stroke did destroy my ability on my right side for speech and memory for my audible, singing lyrics is still difficult for me. At least the some other parts of my brain are still repairing. I've been developing my other intellectual "muscles" just like someone who is blind, who can develop their other senses to compensate for a lost sense. I hope I will enjoy music again some day. I could clip on some printed lyric pages on a music stand to perform. If the page gets lost by a wind, I'd be lost. I can't hold even a phrase of a song by memory, considering that I had about 60 songs in my repertoire in my memory, including my own songs. My musical technical skills, guitar playing, are still fine. The area for technical abilities still works for me for complicated computer programs for video editing. For navigation skills during a long trip (from Catalina to Newport Harbor for 15 hours during heavy wind and until early morning to arrive) with no physical aids for navigation (no buoys or land) where a friend sailed while he trusted me to plot loran coordinates (numbers) on a paper chart. We got there to the harbor. Considering, I was only three days after I got out of the hospital. The rest of my mind was very cloudy. So, as my writing ability shows (some may differ regarding my writing and perhaps by my cloudy thinking) still the technical skill is not impaired and perhaps even enhanced. For me, I'm happy, thankful, that in my life that I still have an outlet for creativity. So, now I take every opportunity to use the gifts that my Creator gave to me while I have it. You might want to read the psychological fictional book, Flowers for Algernon by Daniel Keyes (1966) and the film based on it, Charly (1968) to think about the mystery of the mind. Daniel Keyes ++++++++Performing at Hava Java Coffee Shop in 1995. Send $10.00 including shipping & postage for a CD and lyrics of unrecorded songs of Mercy Harbor by Noel Diotte.

Posted by coverunner at 10:21 AM PST
Updated: Sunday, February 26, 2006 11:27 AM PST
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